Bye bye ESO My four years in the INS Castelló d'Empuries. Every year are diferent than the previous. Every year mix the classes, that implies that every year know more people. In first of ESO I am nervius, my notes are very good. I met a lot of people, great friends. Second was for me the worst year of ESO. I had a class complicated, the class was not bad; but it was a complicated situation. In the third year it was a very quiet year. I took out good notes, the class was quiet and cozy. There were no changes, my days were very monotonous. With the typical anger with friends. In fourth of ESO everything remained very calm, with times more difficult than others and with lots of laughs. This year I've met some very good friends , with whom I feel comfortable. I have lived very good experiences, others harder. For my the ESO it is the time to mature, you start to undestan the life a little. In these shorts four years you have to decide what do you want to work for, and what ca...